Keep calm and swim on!! I'm sure mermaids are a lot like the rest of us. We go thru life thinking no one notices that we even exist. But the proof is there and when you see the proof, its a little scary! Humans have been voyeurs to the lives of mermaids for hundreds of years. Just go thru your grocery store or coffee shop! Sardine and tuna cans are not the only places to find mermaids selling wares for humans. Soaps, Travel, lottery cards,...Sex, images of mermaids can be found everywhere! I love to take road trips to find mermaids. I look for statues, murals, anything where someone has taken the time to create a mermaid image. you would be surprised how far away from the sea you can find a mermaid statue!!! There are two fresh water mermaids, each with their own legend, near Austin and San Antonio Texas! I even found one on a bathroom wall in Tyler Texas! There is a Danish man who has a website called Merm...