Page 1 We discover mermaids are real
Only now, with our modern surveillance abilities could we even hope to discover that mermaids are real. And...what if we did? How would we respond? Like everything else we have discovered, we have trapped it, put it on display and studied it until there is nothing left to learn. Being on, I get all kinds of stuff in the mail. I got this photo of a mermaid show from the 40's or 50's. The air tubes that helped the "mermaids" breathe under water reminded me of chains. I wrote an article for the newspaper, created a crowd of onlookers and even provided two free tickets to see the show yourself! You just have to pull them out of the ticket pouch! I set the whole show in San Francisco California, which is already a freak show! It just so happened that one of my swap partners sent me a letter and she lives in San Francisco! It has it on the cancelation and stamp. Who knows if these mermaids will ever make it back to the sea, but the discovery is made and look out mermaids!!!
I have been reading a three part series of books by Sarah Porter called "Lost Voices" which has an amazing story about mermaids. Quite a surprising point of view about them! A great read.
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