page 14 living in the wreckage

I wasn't going to blog this page because not only have you already seen this print, but this page is deeply personal and exposing of my feelings.  I felt I needed to put an end cap to this image.  I made this page a few months ago to put into words what I felt at the time of my house fire.  It took me a long time to actually feel anything at all and to put it into words just couldn't be done until recently.  On a lighter note, it is the turning point in the story of the mermaids.  We humans have been "dumping" stuff into the seas for as long as we have been moving across the surface.  It has always seemed like a very deep hole that could take any abuse because we just couldn't see where it all ended up.  There is actually a LOT of stuff on the ocean floor and it is growing exponentially!  Never mind how you feel about the concept of global warming, our oceans are just plain dirty!  We never know when we can go to the beach because of bacteria that will kill us...because of all the stuff feeing it called pollution!  such a sad state of affairs.  It can totally be fixed but it takes every person making a conscious decision to be responsible for their surroundings.  The rivers and streams of a continent are the blood vessels to the sea.  No matter where you live, your footprint still touches the sea.


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