page 4 mermaid travels

I have often wondered how closely mermaid lives would mirror our own human lives. After all, they are half human!  Every time I come home from the beach, I always have sand in my swim suite.  I can imagine the same happens with a mermaid's clam bra!  Only she would have sand from all over the world as she travels around from beach to beach.  In my bio on, I let it be known that I collect sand from beaches around the world.  every now and then, there will be a baggie of sand from my swap partner.  It is usually from their vacation or even from their home town.  I always send them some from Galveston.  Ironically, even after having my sand for about four years, it still feels "wet" because each grain is still coated with oil from the BP Horizon spill in the Gulf.  You can t see it but I'm sure that is the reason for it.

You will notice in the mermaid jars that each sand is a different color!  I even have volcanic sand from Hawaii!!  It's black!  The map is a playing card.  I believe it is the 2 of spades.  The mermaid tag was a gift from a partner.


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