party animals!!

The prompt was "party animals"  I interpreted that to be the balloon animals that every kid expects to see at a really great party!!  I started this page by doing scribbles in colored pencil all over the page.  I then painted blue watercolor all over the surface and let it dry.  I love the challenge of painting see thru objects.  In this case the latex balloons are not see thru but do show the shadows of shapes that are behind.  Each section of the balloon has its own shadows and high lights.  the trick is to paint what you see thru the front of the balloon except for on the edges where the balloon gets thick because your are seeing thru the rubber laterally.  Don't forget to paint the reflected color...the red balloon reflected onto the green one.  You can never see thru a highlight. 
I have a really bad habit of going around the edges of my painting with black marker.  I'm afraid that my painting edges don't translate very well


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