Trick or Treat

My favorite book as a child was Maurice Sendeck's  "Where the wild things are".  I actually stole it from the Methodist church's library when my grandma took me to her church when I was about 4.  It reminded me of Halloween, which of course was all about the candy.  I remember we used to get candied apples and home made popcorn balls and then this huge urban legend started going around when I was about six about someone putting razor blades into apples.  all of the hospitals advertised that they would run your candy bags thru the ex-ray machine the next morning if parents were concerned.  that is when we stopped seeing candy apples and home made treats and everything started being individually wrapped!   I actually hated trick or treating because it meant going up to a stranger's door and hoping they would be home and give you candy.  the after glow of all that candy was that we only got to eat one piece and my mom would take it all and hide it.  What was the point!!! lol.
for this piece, I actually have candy wrappers and sticks for a fence.  I put actual dried corn.  the little back skeletons and the horn are jewelry pieces.


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