not everyting has to be in color

Being a painting teacher, it would be correct to assume that I love color.  For one of the altered book envelope swaps on, my envelope was full of nothing but black and white things.  I wasn't terribly thrilled but was determined that I would play the game and make a page using only what came in the envelope. (I even used the inside of the envelope to create the circles.  security envelopes have great designs in them.) I did cheat by using my own black markers and paint.  I drew the guy with the glass jar containing the heart.  I mean, the girl is walking away toward her castle leaving him with the sheep...I'm sure she has her reasons and that is why there is more to the story.  Not everything is black and white!
The paperclip is a dog.  He must be the one that helps the shepherd tend his sheep while he is pining away for the princess.


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