Have some fun with it!

Someone sent me a tag that read "Trust not in Sprites nor the motivations of a Gnome". by Jefferson Smith.  I asked myself...What would motivate a Gnome?  Why would he need motivation?  I know nothing about Gnomes! lol!  So...I again, looked at my students.  what motivates them?  what is the interaction between the groups.  why do boys do stupid things to impress girls?  At the time, someone had donated about 30 boxes of new gelli pens.  I really wanted to see what they could do.  I usually don't enjoy black pages...they look so dead to me.  In this case, I had some gnome buttons, a mushroom cut out and some leaves that I cut from a painting in a magazine.  someone else had sent me a couple of polka doted feathers.  I decided to do this page on bullying.  there is a pocket that holds the tag.  just a note about the speech bubbles.  I know that they are usually left white but if you will highlight them with light blue and yellow, they seem to come alive!
This is the last page in my book! The paperclips are recycled bobby pins.


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