Brain Map
Making brain maps are important. Here, I have two different kinds. The one with the young lady's head is about finding out what you want to be when you grow up. Honestly, you can do this map at any point in your life. It doesn't just have to be about career, it can be about what makes you happy and finding or remembering what you found joy in when you were a child and reconnecting with it. I'm long overdue for creating this kind of brain map, especially since my divorce and empty nest!
The Tree map is more about a specific goal you might have. The trunk of the tree is your goal. The roots represent what it will take to get that goal and the branches are what you will accomplish because of the goal. I'm a visual person and seeing this map on the wall or fridge helps me remember to stay focused on the little details that it takes to get this goal. I need to put one on my fridge for loosing weight!
I used color pencil for both of these but markers, watercolor or even collage are great mediums for a brain map!
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