A Circus of details
I love my altered book journals to have lots of interactive details. I put pockets, slides, windows, tags, paperclips, etc. into most of my pages. The theme for this envelope swap was "circus" and my partner sent me so much good stuff, it was hard to only use what I did. I even felt I might have taken it too far. Let me break down how I got this page pulled together. I used markers to scribble all over my book pages. I call this "visual noise". My partner sent me a red and white striped drawstring bag, the yellow and white striped glycine envelope, almost a dozen computer prints of circus posters, the head of a clown sticker and so much more! I painted "pop corn" all over the page. I refashioned the red and white bag into a circus tent. I drew scallops along the white stripe of the envelope and turned it sideways. it became a popcorn stand and inside of the envelope is a tag with a picture of the ring leader. I painted a simple clown costume and attached the clown sticker to the top. he looks paranoid which is why I decided to put the ring master into the pocket. there's a whole "seedy" feeling to this circus. I then stamped letters onto plain green paper to spell out circus. I was actually lucky and found a paper clip in the shape of the ring master's mustache! it is holding circus tickets that the viewer can actually unclip and hold in their hand!
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