Let me just say that I have not finished the last page of the mermaid journal but had to stop to make this for my cousin. She needed an invite to my mom's family reunion in October!!! My mom is the youngest child of 12 kids and my grandfather died when she was two. I used to hear stories about how they came over in a wagon to settle in California. The older kids set my grandmother up with a circus tent to live in with the five younger kids. She raised chickens and would kill a chicken every morning for breakfast to feed her kids. At some point, Sun Maid raisins planted an orchard of green seedless grapes behind her property and mistakenly planted an entire row over the property line. we had giant boxes of raisins sent to us for as long as I can remember. She would take old tables and put newspaper on them, lay the grapes out and let them dry naturally in the sun. She had apricot trees, Walnut, Peaches and lots of other wonderful t...